Yiramalay was grateful to receive a $5000 grant from the WA Department of Communities this year, as part of their Youth Engagement Grant Program. The Yiramalay team decided to use the money to support an on-country learning, hunting and fishing expedition for some of the students. In early August, seven students headed out for three days and two nights with Isaac Hale, Bunuba Cultural Mentor, and Rory Newton, Residential Mentor.

The purpose of the camping expedition was to provide an opportunity for local students to connect to their country (their home), develop their bush skills, and learn and share stories of the key sites in the area, while connecting with other local community members.

The group visited an array of sites including the Fitzroy River barrage, Snake Creek (Camballin), Liveringa Station, Rose Hill, Looma Community, Crocodile Hole, Nerrima Station (where Isaac Hale spent his childhood) and Nookanbah Community. There was much pride and significant learning and connection as the group visited the country of two of the students, Josiah and Henrique, and met up with Henrique’s family who are elders in Looma. The group was particularly grateful for the local knowledge and support for the hunting trip given by these families.

At each of the various locations the group fished for cherabin (freshwater prawn), Barramundi and Catfish, and hunted for plains kangaroo (ancestral foods of the Nyikina people). The traditional food was gathered and prepared appropriately for Yiramalay Studio School’s NAIDOC week Open Day.