Manjali Studio School is the second Studio School developed through the partnership between Bunuba and Studio Schools of Australia. It is located on Bunuba country, approximately 10km from Yiramalay Studio School.


Residential on-country
Learning at Yiramalay Studio School happens from eyes open to eyes shut.
To this end, every member of staff at Yiramalay is considered a member of the teaching staff; everyone has a role to play in facilitating opportunities for learning.
Hands-on learning
The unique context of Yiramalay Studio School provides a wide range of opportunities for students to engage with learning beyond the traditional classroom walls on site and with local community groups and businesses.
Two-way learning
Each Studio School has a partner school, creating opportunities for partner school students to spend time on country learning from their Indigenous friends, and Indigenous students experiencing time living and learning in Melbourne.
The Studio Schools model is embedded in Indigenous culture and language.
The holistic framework balances academic, personal and industry/enterprise learning, in the unique cultural context of each Studio School.
Learning is integrated across the day with a focus on health and well-being.

Middle Years Learning Framework
Years 7, 8 and 9
4 Circles of learning

Indigenous Language and Culture
The mother circle of Indigenous Language and culture provides the context for all learning in SYLF. It is how students connect authentically to their familiar cultural knowledge, insights and practices that support their learning by affirming their sense of self and strengthening their self-efficacy as learners.

Academic Learning
The academic learning circle aims to support the intellectual development and future-readiness of students by engaging them in experiences that build their capacity to learn how to learn so that they can participate actively in their own learning for success.

Personal and Social Learning
The Studio School model helps students develop their own image of their future as Indigenous Australians, who feel confident in their knowledge and skills, and in their motivation to succeed.

Industry and Learning
Industry learning expectations range from foundational knowledge and understanding about the world of work and the skills and dispositions needed to maximise success, through to more advanced learning of industry specific knowledge and skills.
Studio School Council
Employment Enquires